Monday, August 25, 2014

Scrabble best friend picture frame

BFF shirts

You + me picture frame

Puzzle piece necklace

Puzzle piece necklace 

What you will need:
2 (or more) connecting old puzzle pieces
Necklace chain ring 
Necklace chain
Well sharpened pencil

Step 1: paint the puzzle pieces completely with any color of your choice. 
Step 2: with the sharpend pencil poke a hole on a pice of the puzzle piece that IS NOT the part that connects together. 
Step 3: place the necklace chain ring through the hole. 
Step 4: put the necklace through the ring. 

52 reasons why I love you jar

52 reasons why I love you jar 

What you will need: 

Large jar
Regular sized paper
Double sided tape
52 small pieces of paper

Step 1: on your regular sized paper write the label that will go on the front. 
Step 2: use your double sided tape to stick it on the front. 
Step 3: on your 52 small pieces of paper write reasons why you love your friend or family member. 
Step 4: carefully roll them up ant secure them with ribbon. 

Long distance picture frame

Long distance picture frame 

To make a long distance picture frame you will need:
Picture frame
Paint pen
Wax paper
 copy of states

First: cut out your copy of the states you and your best friend live in. 
Step 2: trace the state out on to a piece of wax paper with your pencil.
Step 3: tape the wax paper secure to where one state is in one corner of the frame.
Step 4:writhe your paint pen draw the state carefully.
Step 5: Repeat with the other state
Step 6:be creative and add any other details to your frame.

Future letters

Future letters

What you will need:
Same amount of paper as there is envelopes 

Step one:come up with situations a friend might run into in life. 
Step: 2: write one of them on each envelope. 
Step 3: write a letter based on each of the situations written on the envelopes. 
Step 4: seal them and give them to a friend

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Message in a bottle

Message in a bottle

What you will need:
Small bottle
Wire or string
Necklace chain
Pen or pencil

Step 1: tie string securely on to the bottle.
Step 2: tie the end of the string to the neck lace chain.
Step 3: write a message or friend quote onto a paper that fits perfectly into the bottle.
Step 4: place message or quote into the bottle with the words facing inside.